Protecting ourselves and our communities from COVID-19 is important. However, that doesn’t mean we should stop taking care of our health. Lucas County Health Center has taken steps to ensure you are protected so that you can access healthcare during this time:
- Don’t miss your annual physical. This appointment is a check-in on your health journey. Talk about changes you’ve noticed, goals you have, and take care of important screenings and immunizations.
- Stay up-to-date on screenings. Your provider can help ensure that you are getting the right screenings at the right time. Examples include mammograms, colonoscopies, bone density, pap test, and prostate exams – all of which can help catch conditions at their earliest and most treatable stages.
- Get your immunizations. Don’t miss your chance to prevent devastating diseases like small pox, polio, whooping cough, and more. Vaccination is safe and saves lives.
- Don’t forget your eyes and teeth. Make sure you continue with regular appointments with your eye doctor and dentist, too.
- Know when to use the emergency room. If you are having chest pain, symptoms of stroke, or a sudden onset of severe pain, don’t let fear of COVID keep you out of the emergency room. Emergency care can be lifesaving.
- Stay on top of your chronic conditions. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or congestive heart failure (CHF), having regular check-ins with your provider can help keep your condition under control.
- If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including shortness of breath, fever over 100, cough, muscle pain, chills or sore throat, call LCHC Medical Clinic at (641) 774-8103. Our staff will guide you through the next steps.Download flyer