For going “above & beyond” in the best interest of Lucas County Health Center, Lindsey Ruble became the most recent recipient of the Employee of the Quarter Award.
Ruble consistently practices our Core Values when interacting with others. Some examples are:
- Stewardship: She always gets the schedules out in a timely manner and is accommodating to requests
- Excellence: She is always willing to learn and stay up to date. She is highly organized and strives to keep our department looking it’s best.
- Dignity: She makes sure that any issues or problems are addressed right away. She is supportive of staff. She always makes time to discuss privately matters of personal or professional concern.
- Hospitality: She greets everyone, asking if we need or want anything. She helps new staff become part of our team. We know we can talk with her about anything.
- Integrity: She makes sure our patients understand of their discharge instructions and answers any questions they have. She reminds us daily to be kind and is good at giving constructive criticism when needed. She always pushes staff to be their best.
- Teamwork: She is always jumping in to help when busy. She makes teamwork a priority by making us feel like she is a teammate. She is willing to help fill shifts when needed.
- Other Comments: She ensures staff stays updated on new practices. She makes sure we have the tools we need to excel at our job an she keeps us informed about all things affecting us as a department.
Congratulations on a job well done, Lindsey!
Caption: Darcy Juline, Chief Nursing Officer, presents Lindsey Ruble, RN with the Employee of the Quarter Award.