Chariton High School Lady Chargers Softball Team presented a check for $1,884.12 to Lucas County Health Center on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.
Each summer, the Lady Chargers’ softball team sheds their typical red and white uniform to don pink jerseys for the “Go Pink” game where they use pink softballs and donate items to be auctioned following the night’s games. The team also designs and sells t-shirts each year, and encourages the opposing team to participate as well.
The proceeds from the game are then donated and are used to provide assistance to patients receiving cancer treatments at LCHC. In year’s past the funds were designated to cover mammogram costs for women who could not afford the screening. In recent years, however, policies have changed and this screening is now covered by all insurances. The funds are now used to provide comfort items and other assistance to cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, infusion treatments, and more.
“We are proud to continue our partnership with the Lady Chargers,” says Brian Sims, CEO at LCHC. “We can’t thank the team and the community enough for their support in the fight against cancer.”